Wednesday, December 14, 2011

25 days left, but who is counting

Less than a month before sailing and I have figured out one thing, our new best friend is  going to be the red cap! I can easily do a two week vacation in one bag but this more like moving somewhere for 3 or 4  months where the only easy shopping is aboard, at Neiman Marcus prices. Of course, you can shop in port, but I don't want to waste our limited time ashore shopping for hair spray and deodorant in a port where you have to first locate a store,  find the word for deodorant in Thai and you are working in a foreign currency. My solution has been to try to take it all!  We are allowed to ship three bags a piece for free, so surely that should more than do it. I doubt Jim will even fill two - that is a man thing  - but I feel that the bag with the computer, cameras, surge protector, books, sunscreen etc. is a community bag and really shouldn't be counted as all mine! That bag also holds my big ice tea jug and 100 decaf tea bags. Those who know me well will understand, those that don't - lets just say the last time I ate out, after refilling my ice tea glass for the 4th time, the waitress asked me if  I would prefer to just  take it  by  I.V.  I guess more to the point, I wasn't insulted and gave it some thought.

The next problem is, when you get it all aboard, where do you unpack it? I am thinking the space under the beds will become my supply closet. If Jim can't find me I will tell him to always check under the beds first where I suspect I will be spending a great deal of my time searching for my extra tube of moisturizer, new batteries or the umbrella. I am already wondering if I can just toss those bulky life jackets overboard to make room for the really important stuff.