Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cruisin' for a bruisin'

Cruisin’ for a bruisin’ may take on a whole new meaning. Did you see the report about that Carnival Ship in Mexico where the passengers were robbed? That’s no bueno.  Vacations are pricey enough without the local banditos relieving you of your cash and jewelry. I feel like I am getting robbed every time I shop in the ship’s boutiques, but that is consensual theft. First the Costa ship runs aground. Then the Mexican heist story didn’t even make it off the news before there were reports of a fire aboard another Carnival owned ship. That ship ended up sitting, dead in the water with no lights or a/c, in pirate territory. I heard one lady here say, “With all these awful things happening on Carnival ships I may just go back to sailing Canard”.  (I didn’t have the heart to tell her Canard is owned by Carnival too).  I figure things come in threes so we’re safe unless they start their second cycle of traumatic events.  I think maybe there will be some fantastic deals to be had by the brave on Carnival ships for a while.  Tomorrow we hit Guam. Jim B’s brother lives in Saipan and he passed along what there was to do and see in Guam – “not much”, he reports. We will probably just wander around a bit and take in what sights there are. It may end up just being a restocking and beauty salon stop. I am however a little apprehensive about getting my hair cut. Jim got a haircut in Samoa almost three weeks ago and I don’t think he will need so much as a trim until about a week after we get home next May.

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