Tuesday, April 17, 2012

At Sea between Yemen and Somalia (4/17/12)

Finally in Pirate alley – we have had war ships from various countries sailing with us intermittently. Our own private escort service – well, sort of. So far it seems less threatening than the waters off Iran. As for the seas themselves - how calm can an ocean be? I took the picture above while in the Pacific Ocean, but I cannot believe how tranquil the seas, in general, have been almost this entire trip. We could be sailing in a gargantuan swimming pool. The ocean has been so flat some days you could have easily water skied behind the ship, if it wouldn’t have been such a nuisance to circle back and pick you up when you fell. Since it is an “at sea” day I felt it was only appropriate to share what the navigator told us. He reported that in one square mile of sea water there is 6 million tons of magnesium, 550 tons of copper and surprisingly, about 3 tons of gold. (Does that gold thing sound right to you? I have no internet to “fact check” him.) He said the sea holds nearly every mineral known to man but because of the high cost of extraction, it is not cost effective to retrieve these minerals. He did shake my confidence little when, on the navigator’s channel on TV, his map showed us sailing off the coast of Brazil one day last week. The only other “event” today was laundry. Only Jim could find a way to enjoy himself in the “doom room” - the name given to the laundry room on board ship. I guess because no one likes doing laundry, the women in there have a reputation for being a tad bit grumpy while spin drying their unmentionables. It doesn’t seem to bother Jim at all. Those who know him probably have no trouble picturing him giving a little old Greek lady waltz lessons in the hallway outside the laundry room, during their wash cycle. Hey, I don’t care if he gives Cha Cha lessons to Charro on top of the ironing board, if it saves me from having to deal with the lethal little ladies lurking in laundry land.

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