Saturday, April 7, 2012

I'm back -

We’re back, alive and healthy – that was quite an adventure. I may need a day … or two to sort out my thoughts on the last five days! I won’t even admit to the ridiculous number of picture I took – It will take days to just sort through all of them. I will try and get something up by tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back on ship. What is the next port? How was India... and the Taj? Better you are there than here at my house. Plumbing overflowed in my bathroom, soaking my carpet in the bedroom and both closets. Was lucky to get a plumber out the day before Easter. The carpet man just left after getting rid of all the wet carpet and pads. Now heavy duty fans are running to dry out cement and any drywall that got wet. UGH!!! Said it would take until Monday to dry out completely.
    Terry, Sarah and Lindsay came over and moved all the stuff out of my bedroom and closets. That was a job!!! I will go through stuff before putting anything back, and see what I can get rid of! Mine and Lloyd's bowling balls and bags might be the first thing. Sarah wants the bags. called them classic! I think that means OLD! At least 40 years old.
    Have a good time. Can't wait to see all the photos.
