Sunday, April 15, 2012

Why Take a World Cruise – for the Sunday Bunch? (two tables not shown)

I incorrectly assumed everyone took a world cruise to visit exotic countries or to bask in the sun on various tropical Isles. Not so for everyone. What started this quest was I heard several couples mention that they took this cruise because they loved the choir director and singing in the world cruise choir. They always made sure David was going to be on board before booking a cruise. Really? I found that quite strange. (Of course, I can’t carry a tune even if it has a handle.) After that, I started taking my own private survey. I only asked the major cruise veterans. What I found interesting was the reasons people gave when asked what prompted them to select this particular world cruise. One couple said they always made sure they knew, and liked, the Cruise Director. They felt some Cruise Directors scheduled much better activities than others. We don’t hit the daily bingo games, ping pong tournaments or wooden horse races so I guess that seemed a little foreign to me also. One lady told me she took this cruise as she always tries to sail with Captain Foster. I found that a bit unusual but at least maybe she felt safe with him or maybe, she was his mom. I really need to go back and double check her name tag. Next, I had a couple of people say they always look at who the Executive Chef is on board before they book an extended cruise. Now that finally made a little sense to me. Food becomes a pretty important part of daily life on a cruise that lasts for months, but it never occurred to me to check out the Head Chef as well as the itinerary! I think the most bizarre reason I have heard of so far is that one couple said they made sure they could get their favorite steward before booking a long cruise. That, I absolutely do not get. It’s not like your steward will be joining you for cocktails or at the bridge table. Why would you care which steward makes your bed and cleans your potty? If you have taken four world cruises or you take 5 cruises a year, every year – I guess your priorities change. As I was puzzling over this peculiar reasoning, I realized we had taken short cruises to places we didn’t much care about just because it left out of Galveston and it was inexpensive, fun and easy. No matter, even after hearing these assorted reasons by veteran cruisers, I still maintain that for an extended cruise the itinerary, by far, should be your numero uno consideration … but I will admit that the Chef thing did give me pause for thought.

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