Sunday, April 1, 2012

Prepare for Pirates!

It’s the first time I ever started off my Monday morning with a pirate drill.  We received a flyer yesterday saying that there had been sporadic pirate activity in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden. Since we would be sailing these waters it was important for all passengers to participate in the Pirate Drill. Apparently 445 ships where attacked by pirates last year in the upcoming waters. Most were repelled, some ships where boarded but not captured and of course, they got a few. Cruise ships can usually out run them. Since the pirate boats can’t keep up with faster ships, pirates now try to use two boats, one on each side of the ship, with a rope strung between them. The speed of the large ship hitting the rope swings their boats into the bow of the ship where they use grappling hooks to board. We had this whole program on how the pirates attack, and if they do - what to do. They have posted special lookouts and sentries on decks 5, 8 and 10! Strange. They have the fire hoses rigged up on several decks and some sort of loud blast that is suppose to scare them off - like pirate repellent. You can’t arm a ship or then it is classified as a war ship and involves other licensing and rules at sea. Last year no cruise ships were attacked but some were approached but they were able to outrun the pirates. It sounds like the main tactic is just a speedy zig zag course. In the upcoming waters they will keep observers posted around the ship to spot any suspicious boat or boats attempting to come too close.  Our ship is also in contact with various navies that are patrolling these waters.  The drill mainly went over what to do and what happens if attacked. All outdoor decks will be closed and you are to go to your cabin close your curtains and stay away from windows and balconies. My thoughts are that pirates would have to be pretty dumb to attack at cruise ship – can you imagine trying to keep 600 -700 people in check. Heck, with this bunch  I can think of at least five people, all over the age of 80, that could probably take on the pirates with their cork screw and come out the winner.

1 comment:

  1. More beautiful photos. I will have to look into getting a camera like yours.
    Pirates, hmmmmmm... just not on the agenda for a great trip. Hope all goes well and safe sailing.
