Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Say what? – (and pictures of sunsets at sea)

It is another “at sea” day as we sail for Egypt. Today’s highlight aboard was a Tab Hunter book signing – I opted to clean out my old computer files. Busy, busy, busy! Anyway, I found a conversation that I had with Mom while she was in the middle stages of Alzheimer. I called to check on her before I left for New Orleans for the weekend. When I got off the phone I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry so for some reason I wrote up the conversation. Writing has always been a form of therapy for me, as you may have noticed. Since I know that sadly, most you are dealing with an Alzheimer relative, hopefully it may help a little knowing others have experienced these mystifying conversations too.

Me: Hi mom, what cha been doing today?
Mom: Oh, are you back from your trip?
Me: No, I haven’t left yet. That is not until tomorrow morning.

Mom: Oh. I remember when I went there and I was on the street behind and Daddy said not to wear those clothes, to wear my own. He was so funny.

Silence … I don’t have a response for that one.

Mom: So how was your trip?

Me: Haven’t gone yet – but it should be fun. They have lots of great music and delicious food.

Mom: So are you going to have to caddie for them?

Me:Ah ... No

Mom: They are bringing me too much food at lunch.

Me: Well , just put it in your refrigerator and have the leftovers for supper.

Mom: Have what for supper?
Me: Have the left over food from lunch.
Mom: Do I have food left over from lunch?
Me: I think so mom.
Mom: Did you have a good time on your trip?
Me: Haven’t gone yet.
Mom: My monkeys are on the thing in back right now but I cleaned up their dish. Did I tell you they brought me lunch again today?
Me: Yes, they should do that 5 days a week now – that leaves us two days to go out to eat .
Mom: I wonder about those people – she is real big and looks like a man. They put it in the refrigerator. I don’t like their salad dressing.
Me: You have your own salad dressing, just use that.

Mom: Okay, … did you enjoy your trip?
Me: I haven’t gone yet mom.
Mom: If you come over, you can have some Christmas cake.

Me: I think that is the birthday cake I brought you yesterday.
Mom: I don’t think so.
Me: Well, I just was calling to see what was going on.
Mom: Not much, it sure is nice to have you back home.
Me: Yeah mom, it’s nice to be home - thanks– Bye
Mom: Bye

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