Friday, January 27, 2012

Back on line after 3 days!

A Day at Sea - Monday
It was a fun start to the day. We were cruising off the coast of El Salvador. I was sitting on the balcony reading my book and drinking my tea when I noticed two dolphins playing in the bow wave. They looked like they were having such a good time. Then out of nowhere came this herd/pod, I don’t know what you call them, but a multitude of dolphins. There were easily 50 or 60 of them! I have never seen anything like that before. They were jumping, some clear out of the water. It was quite a sight. I watched for a while as I wondered if something was chasing them to have stirred up such a frenzy.  I tried to “capture the moment” - with minimal success. The picture caught a few hints but none of the dolphins clearing the water.  Then about 30 minutes later I saw this perfect row of white things. I couldn’t figure out what the heck would line up in a perfect row like that. When we got closer, it was a huge trot line! The cord separating the floats was about ¾ inch thick – and we just streamed right over it.  It was a perfectly clear day and since we can’t see the coast line that means this thing was at least 22 or 23 miles from shore. I cannot imagine what they were fishing for way out here or how they ever would find the line again to check for fish!  I don’t think it was just a loose line because, as I said, the floats were laid out perfectly straight for a couple hundred feet.  Anyway, a fun way to start the day – as you can see, I am easily entertained.  I was editing yesterday’s pictures and came across one of a cashew.  Have you ever seen a cashew tree?  It is an interesting nut. It grows on a giant red, jalapeƱo pepper looking fruit and the cashew nut looks like the stem, on the outside of the fruit. Strawberries are the only other fruit that have their seeds on the outside, I think.  A random thought I know.  I was actually going be good today and walk laps on the track with Jim.  I pushed away from my cholesterol bonanza that passes for breakfast these days. I rode the elevator down 2 floors to get my walking shoes (not a good sign about my commitment to exercise). The steward was cleaning the room and I didn’t want to disturb his progress, so I just walked down to the promenade deck and rested awhile on these inviting wooden chaise lounges, with those wonderfully thick pads. As you can see, it doesn’t take much to detour me from exercising. Tomorrow, another day at sea. (Note- While at sea, I don’t check emails. I just get on - post the blog, check comments and get off.)

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