Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Quiet Sunday at Sea

Jim went to church this morning – dressed in sweats and blue moccasins/slippers with no socks.  Hey, I figure he knows more about “church going” than I – but it seemed a little weird to me. I used the time to shower and my wash hair. Now, I am a devoted tub taker. I know 90% of the world prefers showers and I have heard all the arguments. You are bathing in your own dirt, showers are quicker, the painfulness of cleaning the tub etc. For me, soaking in a hot tub is part cleanliness and part relaxation therapy. Actually, Hannah and I have the same problem with showers but she found a solution.  A friend of mine gave her a little umbrella which she loved and was attached to for quite a while. As we hadn’t had much rain, I asked her if she ever got to use it.  She replied, “Oh sure Nana. You know when you get in the shower and the water is too hot, then it’s too cold – I just use my umbrella until the water is just right.”  Good thought.  Of course, when showering aboard ship you are also dealing with a minuscule stall and the sway of the ship. The little cotton shower curtain sways out and the shower goes on the floor, then sways in and plasters itself against your wet body. You peel it off and continue trying to hold it at bay with an elbow or foot while you finish shampooing your hair. I suspect, next to the grandkids, what I will miss most by May will be my bath tub.

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