Sunday, January 15, 2012

So Far So Good ...

I hate to sound like an old codger – especially since I am getting way too close to being one … but, First Class ain’t what it used to be! Back in the “good old days” when Tom worked for American Airlines, we flew first class quite a bit – the price was right … free.  Back then men were asked by the company to wear a suit and the women were to don dresses for all First Class travel. Now, it is not unusual for people to travel in their very best cut offs and tank tops (for optimal tattoo viewing). That doesn’t bother me – but wouldn’t you think getting from Houston to Miami , First Class,  you might get a meal? Back in the days before we had kids, Tom and I actually flew from Tulsa to Los Angeles one weekend because the flight included 2 free meals and a movie. It was cheaper than staying home for dinner and a movie. Upon arrival in LA we caught the first flight back to Tulsa, not wanting to waste money on a room and looking forward to breakfast and another good movie. Now in the olden days before the meal, they brought you a hot towel, followed by a warm bread/roll selection and then a salad. That course was cleared and you selected an entrée from a fancy printed menu with the appropriate wine pairings. That was followed by a wonderful dessert selection and topped off with your choice of after dinner drinks with fruit and cheese selections, if desired. These meals were served on your own linen table cloth (and with cute little individual glass salt and pepper shakers). No paper or plastic back then, meals were served on china with crystal wine glasses. They even used real silverware instead of those bendable plastic things they use now – should you be lucky enough to get a meal.   Today’s flight  – the stewardess set two of those little airplane sized bottles of  booze,  with a can of mixer, on my tray at the start of the flight – presumably so she wouldn’t have to make a second trip back. The “food service” consisted of the stewardess walking through First Class with a straw basket from which we could select Cheese Nips or a Fig Newton Bar – choices, choices! Of course there were no security checks back then either.  During the security check in for the flight today as I was standing, spread eagle and bear footed,  in the body scanner I heard singing behind me. I looked back and as Jim was removing his jacket, belt, shoes etc. he was singing “Let me Entertain You” or some similar “bump and grind” striptease ditty.  Somehow I knew just how he felt!  And – so ends day one!

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