Monday, January 16, 2012

Scary thought.

I awoke this morning with a killer headache and was nauseated. A scary thought flitted through my mind. Maybe the disadvantage of a smaller ship was that it rocks and rolls a lot more than the Mega Liners. Geez, this could be really bad if I get sea sick on day 2, when we have 105 days left at sea!  I knew  I wasn’t prone to “mal de mer” since I didn’t get seasick even when we had 30 ft. seas going to Antarctica but this would have been a bad time to develop a leaning in that direction! Luckily, it passed! We are currently sailing our way towards Aruba and should arrive tomorrow. I will withhold “the verdict” on our table mates until a few more dinners but will tell you a little about them as I am sure they will be mentioned again. Couple number one (not married) - he is a chef who catered events for both Nixon and LBJ. He might have a couple of interesting stories to be shared over a glass of wine. He is traveling with a social security aged “ Chairo” – long curly blond hair etc. The next gentleman is a retired Florida Real Estate Broker who owns houses in Florida, Hawaii etc.  He took a world cruise last year too. So far his wife, or significant other, hasn’t come to dinner. He sat next to me and we have already discussed some of his family problems. I think I must still give off those “counselor” vibes. The couple, who sat on the opposite side of the table from us I don’t know much about. They are the youngest of the group and were in technical development or some such. Lastly, there was a woman, about my age, traveling around the world alone.  There is an interesting assortment of people aboard that I figure will have a few good tales to relate if I ever get off our balcony long enough to go mix and mingle. I did my first blog post at sea today. It was easier than I expected. The weather remains warm, about what you would expect between Haiti and Aruba.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear all is going well so far... Your table mates sound interesting and should be fun to hear their stories, especially the chef!
    I hope Aruba was as pretty as you remembered and that you will be posting a few pictures along the way to make us all jealous.
