Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday at Sea – Really?

Last night was a formal night so we decided to dine in the main dining room. We only do that once or twice a week as we have 3 more months to become well acquainted with our tablemates. As Michael has advised me, concerning other things, don’t sprint into a marathon!  I sat next to “Chairo”. It seems, among other things, she has owned her own company and made a couple of million when she sold it. They are in one of the large suites. She said she shipped her floor length black sable back to the states as the climate had been so warm and there was so little closet space in the suite.( I could relate, I  had trouble getting my windbreaker into our closet but I just hung it on the back of the door instead).  I asked where she had lived. She had been “most comfortable” in a 35,000 sq. ft. home in Great Neck, Long Neck, something Neck – the waiter was bringing the Banana Foster about then. She was debating about going to Paris for 4 months after the cruise as a friend had a penthouse “right in the center of things” and it might be fun. The conversation then moved back to general table chatter after that. So this morning we just returned to our pedestrian lives. Having indulged in our standard 2000 calorie breakfast, Jim dutifully went for his walk; I curled up with a book. I really intended to exercise more while at sea, but the habits of 60 years are hard to break. I figure the restaurant is at the far end of the ship and I take the stairs instead of the elevator to almost every meal, which should work off one roll and a pat of butter. I was really unhappy to learn that there were actually scales aboard, apparently in the “Spa and Fitness Center”.   I didn’t have any intentions of using that information, but I did sneak a peek at the Fitness Room. Quite remarkable.  Every treadmill and elliptical contraption was in use. People were lifting weights and doing calisthenics.  There were 75 year old men “Zumbaing” – yeah, I didn’t know what it was either – but it was interesting to watch. Eighty year olds were doing Pilate and Yoga.  I am sure this is like a commercial for how this bunch stays   “young” and fit enough to travel at 90. It should have been a real incentive, but instead I just headed to an early lunch and then took a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed catching up with your travels. I would love to do some of those ports too... maybe one of these days...
    Love all the highlights of life aboard ship.
    Tell Jim hello and I am so glad you are having a wonderful time. Maybe in Asia you will find you don't want to eat some of the stuff and will drop whatever weight you gained on the first leg of the trip. :-)
