Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cruising the New Zealand Coast

We continue to cruise the New Zealand coast on our way to the fiords tomorrow. New Zealanders brag that they are the first country to see the sunrise.  They are famous for the Kiwi bird. It is weird looking little thing that has ears, doesn’t fly and lays the biggest egg, in proportion to its body, of any bird. New Zealand is known for their sheep. There are nine sheep to every human here. They have the world’s largest flightless parrot, the biggest earthworms and the smallest bats. As for the people, you can drive at 15, drink at 18 or at any age, if your parents are present.  Bungee jumping originated in New Zealand. I had no interest in participating in that “sport” and Jim had already done it off the side of a cliff in Tahoe to celebrate his 65th birthday.  Hey, I had suggested a cake with dinner and a bottle of wine. But, to each his own.  I was game as long as I just had to wait on the ground, take pictures and have my finger poised over the speed dial button for 911.

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