Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tomorrow - Bay of Islands, New Zealand

Sorry folks, but one more day at sea. Thus noted, I will just be making a shipboard observation today. I am not saying this is an older group, (pot calling the kettle etc.) but when viewing the dining room I do see a lot of white heads bent over their shrimp cocktails. This reminded me of one of my trips to Mexico. I used to drive my parents across the border to buy prescription drugs, which were much cheaper there. As I reread that statement I wonder why I felt the need to add “prescription” to drugs, given everyone reading this knows me.  I doubt any of you thought I was taking my 80 year old parents on an illegal drug run into the underbelly of Mexico. Anyway, I digress. On one of our drug runs to Mexico I heard the owner of the Mexican drug store say, “the Q tips have arrived”. Not a real unusual statement in a drug store I suppose, but upon saying it everyone scurried back to their post behind the cash registers. Puzzled I saw a busload of “Winter Texans” arriving (these are the old folks from “up north” who migrate south for the winter and are a source of income to the valley – thus we don’t just call them old farts). Anyway, they were all disembarking the complimentary trailer park bus, canes and walkers battling to be first in line at the prescription counter. As I waited for mom and dad to finish shopping, trying madly to beat the rush, I visited with the owner who had made the “Q tips statement”. When asked about it, he sheepishly replied, “That’s what we call these American tourists”. When I guess I still looked puzzled, he added, “You know white hair on top, white shoes on the bottom.”   Sure enough, gathered around the prescription counter was this group of white headed, white sneakered geriatric shoppers. It did sort of look like a cluster of Q tips!

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