Thursday, February 9, 2012

Follow up report on the trot lines – Tomorrow Pago Pago!

Tomorrow we arrive in Pago Pago and I can give you an account of an actual port of call instead of this nonsense. But … before you forget the story, if you haven’t already - remember my anecdote about the trot line I saw at sea that I was so puzzled about?  We were chatting with some folks at lunch and they too had seen the trot lines. They said there was one on our side of the ship (that we steamed over), and another one on their side of the ship. However, on their side of the ship there was apparently a little fishing boat. In this little boat there were several fishermen standing up, wildly trying to wave the cruise ship off their trot lines. How funny!  Did they really think the Captain would, upon seeing them, make a hard left at the last minute to avoid their line or maybe he would throw all engines in reverse and bring a 30,000 ton cruise ship to an immediate stop, then quietly back up and go around their line? Now given the size of this vessel, it’s not like we snuck up on them. It seems to me that they should have been able to observe us coming from quite a distance and just gathered in their lines. It is just a guess, but I am wondering if perhaps the consumption alcoholic beverages might have been part of this little fishing expedition. I had a mental picture of them standing there in our wake shaking their fists at the departing ship.  I would have loved to have heard the story they told their wives upon returning home that night. Well Hon, the fishing was slow so we were just kicked back enjoying a couple of beers when out of nowhere ….

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