Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Swell Day at Sea

It has been a swell day – as a matter of fact, a day of rather large swells.  A bit of trivia for you (as if 97% of everything I write wouldn’t qualify). Ever wonder how deep below the surface fish feel the swells? Well, bear with me anyway.  You take the distance between the swells (not the height but the distance between swells) and divide by two and that is how far down the movement is felt. Why yes, I am just back from the “Onboard Scholarship Lecture” how did you know? It was mainly on the fish and mammals we should be seeing in the next few days. There are Spinner Dolphins that can do 4 revolutions up and out of the water and for 12-14 times in succession. Now even I should be able to capture that photo, we’ll see. Then sailing to Hong Kong later, there are suppose to be pink dolphins. Hey, that’s what the woman said. She showed us pictures. They are pink, not kind of pink, but just plain pink. This I have got to see for myself and if I do, I know I will need pictures for you skeptics. She discussed several varieties of fish. With Clown Fish, if the male fish leaves the group and a male is needed, the female can just turn into a male. Talk about adaptable.  There was also one form of crab that sits on its host’s head. It feeds itself by grabbing food on the way to the host’s mouth. Where is one of those crabs when you really need it? Tomorrow, Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef.

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