Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Egypt is closed – where do they hang the sign I wonder?

After breakfast this morning, I set out for the library to pick up my daily crossword puzzle, sudoku and trivia questions. I found a newspaper that was lying neglected in the ship’s library and started reading it. I noticed an article that began “Egypt is closed to cruise ships”. Normally that might not have caught my eye but the pyramids are pretty high up on my bucket list so I read on. It turns out Egypt is not closed to cruise ships, just 3 cruise ship lines have opted not to make stops in Egypt until things settle a bit. Now I really do want to see Egypt but it is not a ditch I would be willing to die in - so to speak. For the most part we are taking the excursions sponsored by the ship, you know in case you are running late they won’t leave you. But, in Egypt we are taking a private 6 seater minivan with Habib. Someone on our cruise, who I have still never met, has arranged it. The bad news is, you won’t have the protection of the cruise ship behind you. The good news is, if I were a terrorist I would think a luxury bus full of rich tourists would be a more interesting target than a minivan with a couple of old coots from Texas. It did give me pause when they said that Princess would be furnishing an armed guard accompaniment with their tour! Hello, I guess we aren’t in Kansas anymore but then again, I think one of the big sightseeing stops in Kansas is the world biggest ball of twine. Pyramids or twine? Pyramids or twine?  -  I think maybe I will just take my chances!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are still enjoying the cruise ship. I am sure Kmart was a great bonus.
    Thank you for the birthday card. Looks like you are going to be busy on your birthday...
