Monday, February 20, 2012

The Fiords of New Zealand

We sailed the fiords in Chile, on our Antarctica excursion. This scenery was almost as breath taking, but without the glaciers. As least we didn’t see any, but then again clouds covered most of the mountain peaks.  These fiords are deep, narrow inlets off the sea, created by glaciers. Stunning lava stone and forested mountains soar up both sides of the waterway. In places 5000 foot mountains drop to the water where the water then plunges to  depths of almost 1000 feet. Sailing through the fiords you enjoy such spectacular scenery that it is hard to describe its beauty competently.   The landscape is so dramatic any adjectives I use to depict it seem too mundane. You pass one cascading waterfall after another. These torrents of water flow across rocky outcropping, through lush forested mountains and fall, picture perfect down the side of the cliffs.  There was mist, fog and low hanging clouds most of the day.  If you had a really good camera it would make for some great “artsy” photos, but unfortunately with my point and shoot, most of my pictures just have a lackluster grey look about them.  I don’t think any description I provide would do the fiords justice.  As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so I’ll post some, but unfortunately, these pictures are only worth about 57 words, if that.

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